local governments

美 [ˈloʊkl ˈgʌvərmənts]英 [ˈləʊkl ˈgʌvnmənts]
  • n.地方政府(机构);地方自治
  • local government的复数
local governmentslocal governments

local governments


  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT 地方自治
    Local government is the system of electing representatives to be responsible for the administration of public services and facilities in a particular area.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 同local authority
    A local government is the same as a local authority .

  1. State and local governments could continue to back as tax revenue plummets .


  2. The measure repeals a previous law that prevented local governments from targeting specific breeds for sterilization .


  3. He used his broad executive powers to nullify decisions by local governments


  4. Couples whose only child has died or is disabled should receive comprehensive care provided by local governments .


  5. All local governments are working on establishing a mechanism12 for adjusting the salaries of teachers in primary and middle schools in line with those of government officials .


  6. One of the things DOT plans to do is create a guide to " road diets " that it will distribute to communities and local governments .


  7. Local governments , related departments , schools and other educational institutions , as well as related staff members , shall be held accountable for activities that hamper3 the development of education , it said .


  8. The commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management also asked local governments to better educate the public about evacuation procedures and to carry out drills so they won 't panic when accidents happen .


  9. As the fishing ban in the Yangtze River basin is an important measure to protect the river and improve the ecological environment , local governments and related departments should roll out specific policies and measures to ensure its implementation , the circular said .


  10. A package of macro policies and measures will be introduced , the meeting noted2 , and China will appropriately raise the fiscal3 deficit4 ratio , issue special treasury5 bonds , increase the scale of special bonds for local governments , and guide the interest rate to decline in the loan market .


  11. A number of issues about financial ability of local governments of China


  12. Financial System Reform and the Changing Financial Relations of Central and Local Governments


  13. The Optimization of Tax Right Division Between Central and Local Governments


  14. The Influence Factors and Ways of Citizen Participation in Local Governments ' Performance


  15. Local governments and departments are the leading motive force of system changes .


  16. Reform of the Budgeting Management of Investment and Financing by Local Governments .


  17. Promoting the diversification of content and form of organizations between local governments ;


  18. On legal framework for local governments to promote development of intermediary market of science and technology


  19. Some problems in the promotion of industrialized agriculture for the local governments


  20. In the whole Qing dynasty , local governments attached great importance to security management .


  21. Local Governments ' Competition and The Institutional Innovation


  22. Local governments , including cities and counties , often have important environmental responsibilities .


  23. Research on Difficulties and Development Path of Local Governments ' Cooperation in Yangtze River Delta


  24. So it 's very important to study the effect of the local governments in the growth of the economy .


  25. Prerequisites , Frameworks and Coordination of Tax Competition among Local Governments in China


  26. Whether the subject of city operation is the local governments also become the focus of debate .


  27. Macro Economic Regulation in 2003 - 2004 : The Game between Central and Local Governments


  28. Financial Risks of Land Financing by Local Governments & Case Study of a Developed Area in East China


  29. Some local governments will even organize a fireworks party .


  30. Second , construct the local governments ' policy financing system , while introducing market discipline mechanism .
